HVAC and Carpentry Take Field Trip to the Energize CT Center
June 8, 2020

Carpentry Sophomore Elijah Roque dons heavy insulated electrical gloves for a power line demonstration at the Energize CT center.
The HVAC and Carpentry Shop went on a field trip to the Energize CT Center in North Haven, CT. The energize CT center is a partnership between power providers United Illuminating and Eversource. The center was able to show our students through hands-on demonstrations how they can save energy. The instructors at the center touched on how electricity is produced, safety related to outdoor electrical wiring, what appliances use the most electricity, and how energy is used in the students everyday lives. Owen Traylor, “One thing that was interesting was the outdoor electrical meter which tracts electricity usage in your house and every 55 turns costs 11 cents.” Noah Moore, “One thing that was cool which I learned was, a plasma ball can power a light or a shoe with LED lights if you are grounded.” Jamison Gilchrist, “I liked seeing how much power and money can be saved by converting from incandescent light bulbs to LED light bulbs.” Carpentry student Sammi Torres said “saving energy is one thing but saving lives is another” after the presentation about downed power lines. Cole Williams said, “It was useful, we learned about items we use every day and how we can conserve energy.”