Norwich Tech Senior to Compete in WorldSkills Competition in KY

June 8, 2020

We are excited to share with you that Plumbing and Heating student Matthew Novick, Norwich Technical High School Senior, will be competing in Louisville, KY to qualify for WorldSkills. He will be competing at the end of June, 2018.

In the Spring of 2017, Matt won the SkillsUSA competition in Connecticut. He went on to place second in the National SkillsUSA. His success in the National competition is what led him to competing in WorldSkills this year. Matt not only represents our school, and Technical High School system, but he will be the first student from Connecticut to have earned the honor to compete in WorldSkills.

When you see Matt around school, please congratulate him on his accomplishments thus far, and wish him well in his next endeavor. Should Matt win this next level, he will be competing at the international WorldSkills in Kazan, Russia in August, 2019. Go MATT!