Norwich Health Tech Seniors Conduct Research in BrainDance Competition
June 8, 2020
he Norwich Technical High School Health Technology seniors conducted quantitative experimental scientific research studies to enter in the BrainDance competition sponsored by the Institute of Living/Hartford Healthcare (IOL), in Hartford, CT. This competition is designed to decrease the stigma of mental illness. The projects are judged by clinicians and researchers at the IOL based on relevance to the stigma, creativity, accuracy of information, and scientific rigor. They worked diligently on their research project; it occupied the 1st semester of the school year. In addition, they learned how to conduct a research study, analyze data, write a research paper utilizing proper APA format, and create a research poster. They certainly demonstrated scientific rigor and really understood the importance and necessity of implementing evidence-based practice in healthcare.
The winners presented their research study and poster at the 15th Annual BrainDance Awards Ceremony on April 26, 2016. The awards were presented by:
- Jimmy Choi, PsyD: Senior Scientist, IOL
- Godfrey Pearlson, MD: Director, Olin Neuropsychiatry Research Center, IOL
- Nancy Hubbard, LCSW: Director of Outpatient and Ancillary Services, IOL
Noelis Guzman, Kaitlyn Stripling & Ashley Varjenski: 1st place winner in the Academic category, and won a prize of $500.00. “Education’s Impact on Perceptions About Borderline Personality Disorder”
Noelis Guzman, Kaitlyn Stripling & Ashley Varjenski: 1st place winner in the Academic category, and won a prize of $500.00. “Education’s Impact on Perceptions About Borderline Personality Disorder”

Dr. Choi, Dr. Pearlson, Kaitlyn Stripling, Noelis Guzman, Ashley Varjenski, Ms. Hubbard
Kalli Campbell & Tayler Plante: 2nd place winner in the Academic category, and won a prize of $300.00. “Education Increases Empathy Towards Autism”

Dr. Choi, Dr. Pearlson, Kalli Campbell Tayler Plante, Ms. Hubbard
Following the awards ceremony the students had the opportunity to tour the Olin Neuropsychiatry Research Center and the Myths, Minds and Medicine Museum. In addition, they participated in a panel discussion with mental health professionals affiliated with the IOL.